
For a WESTAF general update on trends, resources, and data across the West and the nation.

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Explore hospital bed use, need for intensive care beds, and ventilator use due to COVID-19 based on projected deaths for all 50 US states and the District of Columbia.

The Centers for Disease Control
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offer information on how to protect yourself from COVID-19, what to do if you are sick, resources for the community, and more.

World Health Organization
Rolling updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)  provided by the World Health Organization.

Emergency Funding

CARES Act Funding Reporting Tips
This new resource from NASAA is intended to help with questions surrounding tracking and maintaining CARES Act grant records.

Colorado Nonprofit Association
COVID-19 updates and resources for Colorado nonprofit organizations.

Reopen Fund for Cultural Organizations + Landmarks in King County, WA
The Reopen fund provides support for the training, protective equipment, infrastructure improvements, systems upgrades, additional personnel and other measures needed for cultural organizations and the owners/stewards of designated landmarks to provide programming under and to adapt to COVID-19 public health restrictions.

National Arts Organizations

Alliance of Artists’ Communities
You can find a wide array of COVID-19 resources for artists and artist residencies on the Alliance of Artists’ Communities website, including:

American Alliance of Museums
COVID-19 resources and information for the museum field are available on the American Alliance of Museums’ website.

Americans for the Arts
Americans for the Arts (AFTA) offers up-to-date news and resources for the arts and culture field. The organization’s resources include a webinar featuring current information about the virus and advice for how the arts and culture sector can move forward.

ArtsReady is an online emergency preparedness service by and for arts/cultural nonprofits.

Grantmakers in the Arts
An update and action items regarding COVID-19 and arts funding from Grantmakers in the Arts.

National Coalition of Arts’ Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER)
NCAPER helps ensure that artists, arts/cultural organizations, cultural funders, and arts businesses have the capacity and ability to respond effectively to disasters and emergencies affecting the arts and culture sector.

National Endowment for the Arts
The National Endowment for the Arts (the Arts Endowment) offers COVID-19 resources for artists and arts organizations.

Resources for Artists

Resources for Artists

Artist + Activist Relief Fund
The Artist + Activist Relief Fund supports artists and activists whose work has been impacted by COVID-19.

Financial Relief for Artists During COVID-19
A list of emergency resources for artists compiled by Artwork Archive.

Foundation for Contemporary Arts COVID-19 Fund
Immediate assistance to artists living and working anywhere in the United States for projects occurring in the US and abroad. Grants range in amount from $500 to $2,500.



  • COVID-19 Resources for San Jose Arts Community
    Compiled by the City of San Jose
  • Intersection for the Arts’ Artist Resources
    Tools for Bay Area artists grappling with the repercussions of the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
    As part of the federal CARES Act, the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program helps unemployed Californians who are business owners, self-employed, independent contractors, have limited work history, and others not usually eligible for regular state UI benefits who are out of business or services are significantly reduced as a direct result of the pandemic.


  • Arts through it all
    A coalition of cultural organizations in the state united to develop this powerful, simple, and consistent messaging around how Coloradans who care about arts and culture can support the sector.
  • Denver Actors Fund
    The Denver Actor Fund is accepting applications from theatre artists struggling with anxiety, depression and prolonged stress as the unprecedented COVID-19 shutdown. Applications are currently being accepted on a rolling basis.
  • Resources to Support the Arts During Coronavirus
    A list of emergency and relief funds for artists and organizations compiled by the Colorado Business Committee for the Arts. 


  • Resources for Independent Contractors
    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provide resources for independent contractors to help them cover their financial needs during the public health emergency. 
  • Small Business Association Disaster Assistance Loans
    The Small Business Association provides low-interest disaster loans to help businesses and homeowners recover from declared disasters.




  • Gimme Shelter Emergency Fund
    The fund is open to any Oregon based performers from any discipline who have lost wages due to the COVID-19. Grants of $100-$500 will be dispersed for housing costs based on need
  • Valentine Fund
    The Valentine Fund was initiated in 1987 to provide financial assistance to members of the Portland-area theatre community in times of medical or personal emergency.


  • COVID-19 Cultural Resources
    A regularly updated list of resources for Utah’s cultural community compiled by the Utah Division of Arts and Museums.

Performing Arts

COVID-19 Emergency Support Grants for Individual Artists
COVID-19 Emergency Support Grants for Performing Artists are for individual artists across all performing arts disciplines who are struggling to have their basic needs met due to loss of artistic income from COVID-19.

COVID-19 Resources List
Compiled by the Actors Fund, this list is being updated as needed.

Music COVID Relief
A resource to help music professionals access information and applications to receive benefits made available by the CARES Act. 

OPERA America COVID-19 Resource Hub
Links to resources with current information and access to assistance.

The Actors Fund
The Actors Fund has partnered with other entertainment industry organizations to provide emergency financial assistance to those in immediate financial need. Funds are available to union and non-union workers in entertainment and the performing arts. Remember, you may be eligible for more than one fund.

The Performing Arts Readiness Project
The Performing Arts Readiness Project offers significant resources for performing arts (and multidisciplinary) organizations. Grants of up to $7250 for 42 performing arts organizations for the creation of individual institutional emergency preparedness or Continuity of Operations (CoOP) plans. Grants of $5,000 – $25,000 each will be awarded for 10 projects to support both the development of new or emerging disaster preparedness networks that include performing arts and culture organizations, and the expansion of existing networks to increase participation among performing arts organizations. Five Emergency Preparedness Consultant/Circuit Riders to work directly with performing arts organizations on a local level, providing expertise, training, consulting and mentoring to staffs and Boards regarding effective emergency preparedness. Art of Mass Gatherings symposia that focuses on emergency preparedness for festivals and other outdoor events that feature performing arts.

A resource website with ideas contributed by TechSoup and many community members with links to more information about philanthropies using technology to tackle the challenges of suddenly working remotely. The resources shared on the site include:

Guidance on Reopening

American Alliance for Museums Considerations for Museum Reopenings
Guidance and considerations for museum reopenings.

Best Practices Tip Sheet for Arts Organizations Re-engaging with Audiences or Visitors
The National Endowment for the Arts’ guidance based on a review and compilation of promising measures that arts organizations are taking to address COVID-19 to date.

Event Safety Alliance Reopening Guide
Addresses health and sanitary issues that event and venue professionals need to consider in order to protect both patrons and workers.

Event Safety Guide and Webinar for Live Music Presenters
Guidance on how small events and venues can reopen as safely as possible. 

How Arts and Cultural Organizations Can Consider Adapting
A report aimed at helping arts and cultural organizations consider key questions and variables as they plan for reopening and a post-COVID-19 future.

Precautions for Museums during COVID-19 Pandemic
This document is based on the examples of the National Gallery Singapore, M+ Hong Kong, and Mori Art Museum in March in response to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Reopening Starter Kit for Museums
American Alliance of Museums has created a Reopening Starter Kit for Museums, including customizable health and safety posters and decals, messaging templates, and checklists, in one convenient $15 package.

Reopening the Cultural Sector in U.S. Cities (PowerPoint)
Industry-specific guidance from Bloomberg Philanthropies on reopening cultural, community or entertainment venues. 

Reopening Resources: Ideas from the field for Colorado Arts & Culture
Examples and recommendations to inform Colorado arts and cultural organizations’ plans for reopening to the public.

Recommendations for Arts Education as North Carolina Reopens Schools
The Arts Education Leadership Coalition, in partnership with ArtsNC, has created this well-researched document to support Arts Education and it’s continued programming as North Carolina schools open later this summer. 

Roadmap for Recovery and Resilience for Theater
An ongoing study on how to reopen theater spaces as safely as possible. 

Tips and Resources for Reopening Safely
The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts’ list of tips and resources for arts and cultural organizations navigating the process of reopening to the public in accordance with the guidelines of state and federal government.

What Could Reopening Arts And Culture Venues Look Like?
As different parts of the economy move to reopen, many arts and culture groups are discussing what reopening could look like for museums, theaters and music venues. 


16 Important Considerations for Branding During a Crisis
Professionals from Forbes Agency Council look at key elements likely to affect branding during a crisis and ways companies can adjust their marketing.

A Communication Check List during Times of Crisis
A check list for development and marketing professionals to communicate effectively with stakeholders beyond the first wave of a crisis.

Best Practices for Marketing During and After COVID-19
Marketing during these times requires sensitivity to what’s going on in people’s lives and the flexibility to keep up with swift and swooping changes.

Common Field
Common Field’s list of COVID-19 resources for the artist organization field. 

Coronavirus Relief Options
In addition to traditional Small Business Association funding programs, the CARES Act established several new temporary programs to address the COVID-19 outbreak.

Coronavirus Small Business Issues and Solutions Guide
A comprehensive guide to coronavirus issues and solutions for owners of small businesses compiled by the Chamber of Commerce. 

COVID-19 Resource Center for Nonprofits
Donorbox shares resources for nonprofits as they navigate the implications of the unfolding public health crisis.

COVID-19 Reveals the Urgency of Rethinking Revenue-Based Arts Funding
he nature of artistic production demands a different relationship to time and resources, and if we value the arts as a culture, we have to do more than pay lip service to that—we have to act on it.

Disaster Philanthropy Funding Map
A list of foundations that have helped in past disasters and the grants they may have available. Find your state and click on details to see a list of funders. 

How Nonprofits and Board Members Can Respond to COVID-19
Board Source’s compilation of the sector’s most common questions answered by its Ask-an-Expert team, along with some helpful resources.

How to Support the COVID-19 Relief Effort Through Buying Art
Galerie Magazine shares some commercial art-based initiatives raising funds to support organizations that are struggling amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Can I Contribute?
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, museum director and activist Nina Simon asks, “How can I contribute?” and tells us how she is figuring it out.

How the CARES Act Supports the Arts Sector
This Americans for the Arts webinar helps arts groups understand the loan and grant opportunities made possible through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. (A member login is required.)

Managing Nonprofit Finances During the Coronavirus Crisis
Financial management expert Hilda Polanco suggests key considerations for nonprofits.

Paycheck Protection Program Loan Overview Webinar
Nonprofit consulting firm Fiscal Management Associates (FMA) reviews step-by-step tips for nonprofit organizations considering applying for Paycheck Protection Program loans.

News and current information from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.

      • Philanthropy’s Role in Responding to COVID-19
        As the nonprofit arts sector and self-employed arts workers reel from the financial devastation of COVID-19, institutional funders, at this very moment, are left holding a very hot potato. At this precise moment–literally in the next few weeks–philanthropy will be forced to make difficult choices that it has not had to make before.
      • Sustaining Public Engagement During COVID-19
        To help artists and arts organizations facilitate arts engagement despite widespread COVID-19 lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, many state arts agencies are promoting virtual arts events that allow individuals and families to experience the arts online.
      • Virtual Marketplaces and COVID-19
        The COVID-19 pandemic is placing severe restrictions on public gatherings and physical interactions. To help the arts sector address this new reality, state arts agencies are establishing virtual marketplaces and helping artists develop new platforms for online retail.

Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Economic Injury Loan Program
SBA’s loan program for nonprofit organizations. If you are a small business, you should contact your local district SBA office to determine your eligibility. 

Why Marketing Matters During COVID-19 Closures
If your cultural organization is closed to the public due to COVID-19, don’t disregard marketing efforts. Here’s data to inform what to do instead.