Public Art Resources
The following resources are divided by the following categories: Public Art Online and General Public Art Resources.
Public Art Online
Public Art Archive™
The Public Art Archive™ is a sophisticated, searchable database of public art in the United States. The Archive makes public art and its processes more accessible to the public, displaying images of each piece alongside an extensive description, including audio and video supplementary files when available. The site also features a mobile version that allows cultural tourists to navigate a city’s collection from a mobile device. Get your collection on the map today!
General Public Art Resources
Americans for the Arts Public Art Network
Americans for the Arts Public Art Network (PAN) develops professional services for the broad array of individuals and organizations engaged in the expanding field of public art.
Other resources from Americans for the Arts:
Methods of Artist Selection Issue Paper
This paper seeks to establish recommended methods for the selection of artists for public art commissions.
Public Art: An Essential Component of Creating Communities, Monograph by Jack Becker
This Monograph offers an overview of the field for people new to public art, from elected officials and community members to artists and arts administrators.
Public Art in Private Development, Monograph
A resource guide for developers.
Public Art Best Practices
AFTA’s Public Art Network (PAN) advocates for best practices, goals, and guidelines for the field. The PAN Council encourages the adoption of these guidelines in consultation with legal counsel as appropriate.
Public Art Network Blog
The official blog of Americans for the Arts’ Public Art Network (PAN).
National Civic Art Society
Founded in 2002, the National Civic Art Society is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, DC that educates and empowers civic leaders in the promotion of public art and architecture.
FORWARD, a digital publication and conversation series from Forecast, a nonprofit that activates, inspires, and advocates for public art that advances justice, health, and human dignity. FORWARD highlights how artists are partnering with cities, institutions and communities to courageously tackle the vital issues of our time.