

Update Notes #96 | March 2018

By Convenings, Events, GO, IMTour, News, Newsletter, PAA, SAAs, Tech, Technology, Updates
WESTAF Update Notes #96 | March 2018 From Anthony Radich, Executive Director This is the 96th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF. Public Art Archive™ Collection Management System In March of 2018, the public art field will have access to a collection-management system developed by the Public Art Archive in collaboration with technology partner CollectionSpace. The tool has been built specifically for public art collections and will accommodate the workflow of the public art process from commissioning through conservation. The system is designed to reduce staff time while increasing the flow of information to administrators,...
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Update Notes #88 | August 2016

By Convenings, CVSuite, IMTour, Newsletter, PAA, Policy, SAAs, Tech, Updates
WESTAF Update Notes #88 | August 2016 From Anthony Radich, Executive Director This is the 88th in a continuing series of update about the work of WESTAF Louisiana Partners with CVSuite™ The Louisiana Office of Cultural Development has entered into a multi-year partnership with WESTAF to use extensive data from the Creative Vitality Suite™ (CVSuite). An important feature of the partnership is the development of several enhancements to the CVSuite tool, including additional creative industry and occupation codes in the culinary and restoration occupation sectors to better capture the diversity of Louisiana’s creative economy. The updates will be available in...
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Update Notes #87 | April 2016

By Advocacy, Articles, CaFE, Convenings, CVSuite, Events, Newsletter, Policy, SAAs, Tech, Updates, ZAPP
WESTAF Update Notes #87 | April 2016 From Anthony Radich, Executive Director This is the 87th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF Hessenius Report on Nonprofit-Arts Communications Released Last year, Barry Hessenius, the editor ofBarry’s Blog, surveyed the nonprofit arts field to obtain information about how administrators in the nonprofit arts use communications within the sector. The inquiry explored a variety of subjects, including: a) which communications tools are currently used by arts-organization personnel; b) which sources of information are most valued and trusted by arts-organization personnel;  c) how arts administrators are managing the high...
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Update Notes #85 | October 2015

By Advocacy, Convenings, Newsletter, Policy, Social Responsibility & Inclusion, Tech, Updates
WESTAF Update Notes #85 | October 2015 From Anthony Radich, Executive Director 
This is the 85th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF Performing Arts Discovery Advisory Committee Formed The NEA-initiated and funded Performing Arts Discovery project is moving forward. WESTAF has partnered with the Western Arts Alliance (WAA), the region's stand-alone presenter service organization, to realize the project's goals. One of the first action steps is convening an advisory committee in Denver October 29-30. The committee, composed of experts from the United States and abroad, will advise WESTAF and WAA on the most productive methods...
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Update Notes #84 | July 2015

By CaFE, Convenings, Events, Newsletter, PAA, Social Responsibility & Inclusion, Tech, Updates
WESTAF Update Notes #84 | July 2015 From Anthony Radich, Executive Director This is the 84th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF Applicants Sought for 2015 Emerging Leaders of Color Program Applicants are currently being invited to apply to participate in the WESTAF seminar for emerging leaders of color. The seminar will be held October 26-28, 2015, in Denver. Selected participants are invited to attend the seminar at no cost, and travel and lodging expenses are paid by WESTAF. Organized by Chrissy Deal, WESTAF's program associate for multicultural initiatives, participants work with a core faculty...
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Update Notes #83 | May 2015

By CaFE, CVSuite, Events, GO, Newsletter, PAA, Tech, Updates, ZAPP
WESTAF Update Notes #83 | May 2015 From Anthony Radich, Executive Director This is the 83rd in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF Visit Our Exhibitor Table at the AFTA Convention in Chicago Several WESTAF staff will be attending the Americans for the Arts Convention June 12-14, in Chicago. We invite you to stop by our table and say hello! Program, technical, management, and sales staff will be available to answer questions about current WESTAF projects and to provide updates on some of our latest projects as well. This year’s table will feature the recently launched...
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Update Notes #76 | June 2013

By CaFE, Convenings, Events, Newsletter, PAA, SAAs, Tech, Updates, ZAPP
WESTAF Update Notes #76 | June 2013 From Anthony Radich, Executive Director This is the 76th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF CaFÉ™ Launches More User-Requested Enhancements WESTAF’s CaFÉ system recently released a new “Letters of Reference” feature, which allows organizations to accept formal letters of reference and letters of recommendation as part of their application requirements. With this new capability, CaFÉ can now be used for graduate school portfolio admissions, grant, fellowship, and scholarship awards–as well as any other application process in which formal letters of reference may be required. For more information about...
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Update Notes #75 | April 2013

By Convenings, Events, Newsletter, SAAs, Staff, Tech, Updates, ZAPP
WESTAF Update Notes #75 | April 2013 From Anthony Radich, Executive Director This is the 75th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF ZAPP Announces New Enhancements and 2013 Arts Festival Conference Location In March, the ZAPP® system launched a series of significant enhancements for both artists and festival administrator users. The improved artist interface employs a sleeker, modern look and convenient ways to interact with the art festival community. Artists also enjoy smarter ways to locate and easily apply to shows, including a searchable calendar, improved keyword search, and the ability to mark shows as...
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Update Notes #74 | February 2013

By Advocacy, Articles, Events, Newsletter, PAA, Tech, Updates
WESTAF Update Notes #74 | February 2013 From Anthony Radich, Executive Director This is the 74th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF WESTAF Introduces™ The WESTAF technology team and project administrators have been working to rebuild and expand some key WESTAF technology offerings. Major improvements are underway to the heavily used arts sites®,™, and™. While working on improvements to these projects, the technology staff has also been developing a new site called™. YouJudgeIt is designed especially for the smallest arts organization, the thriftiest church group, and the most under-resourced community fair....
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