WESTAF Update Notes #87 | April 2016
From Anthony Radich, Executive Director
This is the 87th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF
Hessenius Report on Nonprofit-Arts Communications Released
Last year, Barry Hessenius, the editor ofBarry’s Blog, surveyed the nonprofit arts field to obtain information about how administrators in the nonprofit arts use communications within the sector. The inquiry explored a variety of subjects, including: a) which communications tools are currently used by arts-organization personnel; b) which sources of information are most valued and trusted by arts-organization personnel; c) how arts administrators are managing the high volume of information now available to them; and d) the impact of increased information volume on a variety of factors relating to productivity. A key goal of the inquiry was to provide a baseline knowledge of such communication practices. The study was funded by the John H. and James L. Knight Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Click HERE to access a summary of the survey findings.
CVSuite™ Initiates “Art of Data” Webinar Series
The Creative Vitality Suite™ project recently launched a three-part webinar series titled Art of Data. The first in the series, “Why Data?,” featured Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) economist Brian Points. EMSI is WESTAF’s data partner for this project. The webinar addressed best practices in and common misconceptions about the use of data to measure and analyze the economic dimensions of the creative economy. Click HERE to access a recording of the webinar. To be notified when registration opens for the series’ next webinar, “Which Data,” subscribe to the CVSuite™ blog.
WESTAF Staff Available at the Americans for the Arts Annual Convention
WESTAF staff will travel to Boston on June 17-19 for the Americans for the Arts (AFTA) annual convention. Staff will be available to answer questions about current WESTAF projects and provide information about new projects. This year’s exhibitor table will feature the Creative Vitality™ Suite; Public Art Archive™; Grants Online™ (GO™); CallForEntry™ (CaFE™); ZAPPlication® (ZAPP®); and WESTAF’s newest web project, IMTour™. If you or someone you know would like to schedule a time in advance to talk individually with a staff member about any of WESTAF’s projects while at the convention, please email Leah Horn.
2016 Arts Festival Conference Dates and Location Announced
ZAPP®’s 8th Arts Festival Conference will take place October 7-8, 2016, in Houston, Texas. This conference, which is designed exclusively for the art-fair and arts-festival field, will be held immediately prior to the Bayou City Art Festival Downtown. The 2016 conference will include a variety of sessions designed to service the professional development needs of art-show artists and administrators.
The Status and Future of State Arts Advocacy
Plans are currently being made for a WESTAF-hosted forum on the status and future of state-level arts advocacy. The forum will examine whether or not the traditional arts-advocacy organization is viable moving forward and what might replace the structures that are currently in place. If you wish to be notified of details of this meeting as they emerge, please contact Leah Horn.